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Cyberthreats grow more sophisticated each year. Here are 3 most common cyberthreats:

1. Business Email Compromise (BEC)

2. Ransomware

3. Cryoptcurrency mining

Introduction - Computational Thinking

Introduction - Computational Thinking

Computational Thinking  --- the capability to resolve problems algorithmically and logically.

Understand how information was represented by data, down to only 0 and 1.

Programmming fundamentals using MIT Scratch
James Yang

Programmming fundamentals using MIT Scratch

Use the easiest programming language Scratch to learn programming fundamentals, from basic concepts like loops, conditional statements, variables, to advanced concepts like nested loops, cloning, list/array, function and message broadcasting.

Python programming
James Yang

Python programming

What you'll learn:

   - Data Types and Variables
   -  Conditional Statements, Looping and Logic
   -  Data Structures
   -  Manipulate and Working with String and Texts
   - Use Files
   -  Modules, Classes and Objects,

Python programming -Advanced Concepts
James Yang

Python programming -Advanced Concepts

what you'll learn:

  - Recursion

  - Classes and the concept of object-oriented programming

  -  Is-A and Has-A relation, Inheritance and composition

  - OOP Analysis and Design

Web Programming  - HTML, CSS and JavaScript
James Yang

Web Programming - HTML, CSS and JavaScript

What you'll learn

  • Source code management tool : Git
  • HTML5, CSS3
  • JavaScript and JQuery

Web Programming with JavaScript and Python

Web Programming with JavaScript and Python

  This course will dive into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Flask, Django, and Bootstrap. Topics include database design, scalability, security, and user experience.

What you'll learn
  • Flask
  • SQL and Database
  • ORM(Object-Relational Mapping), APIs
  • Fontend and Backend
  • Django
  • Testing, CI/CD
  • Scalability and Security

Java programming
James Yang

Java programming

What you'll learn:

  • Values, expressions, conditionals and loops
  • Methods
  • Data structures
  • Classes, objects and OOP paradigm
  • Packages